While consumers are cautious in their viewing and sharing of information, brands can influence purchase activity with their content efforts. Following are insights from a recent study:
1. Why Brand Content is Valuable: Information; Differentiation
- Consumers prefer content that provides information, not promotions.
- Content helps consumers choose between products/services and helps them make a final decision.
- Informative content is valuable to consumers even after they’ve made their purchase.
2. So What is Good Content? It’s Accurate and Informative (chart below)
- Accuracy in content is most important: 38% rank it number one; 65% place it in their top two.
- Informative content runs a close second: 26% rank it number one; 60% place it in their top two.
- Simplicity is third in importance: 31% rank it in the top two; 60% place it in the top half.
3. Consumers Prefer Content That is Precise, Relevant, Fresh
- Consumers prefer content that is both precise and adequately written.
- Nearly 70% of consumers say relevant content is important when learning about a product/service.
- Two-thirds of consumers tend to make a purchase if content is fresh, includes video/images and is optimized.
4. Content That is Cause-Related/Informative/Valuable is Shared and Triggers Purchases
- 35% shared content that raised awareness for a good cause.
- 34% shared content that was informative, not promotional.
- 57% made a purchase as a result of valuable online content.
Content is invaluable as it is an integral part of a consumer’s purchasing decision.
Source: Adobe / Advanis, reported by MarketingCharts.com